The Hanacure All In One Facial Treatment Mask (Review)

If there is just one thing that I enjoy doing in a skincare routine (other than a good cleanse) it would have to be a fantastic mask. I love a good mask and a pamper session of double masking (with a good movie and ice cream) would actually be my ideal evening in, yes – I am practically a granny at 28. I generally love all masks, everything from sheet masks, hydrating masks, wash off masks, clay masks to rubber masks. I find that the masking experience is not only extremely relaxing but also very rewarding as I generally have better looking skin at the end of the 15-45 minute ritual. Who doesn’t like instant gratititude when it comes to skincare?
Recently I was absolutely fascinated by a brand called The Hanacure and their star product the – All In One Facial Mask. This mask had been doing the rounds on social media and has been getting a lot of press from ‘high fashion’ websites such as Elle, Instyle, Refinery 29 and of course an endorsement from the lovely Drew Barrymore. The Hanacure All in One Facial claims that in a space of 30 minutes, it will tighten, brighten, contour, and diminish the appearance of wrinkles, giving the skin a restored and youthful appearance. To achieve these sort of results, Hanacure taps into their 20 years of experience in skincare and uses patented skincare technology to bring up on these amazing results for the skin. With this sort of praise, hype on social media and remarkable product claims – I couldn’t help but be curious. Was the Hanacure All in One Facial Mask all it is cracked up to be?
***This product has been kindly gifted to me by The Hanacure with no expectations of a review. I wanted to share with you all my thoughts on this mask which is why I have written a fairly detailed review on my experience. All views stated in my reviews (including this one!) are my own honest thoughts, experiences and opinions.
What Is It – The Hanacure All In One Facial Mask
The Hanacure All In One Facial Mask is supposed to be a single use multi action treatment mask. Each ‘set’ comes with a Lifting Serum ampoule, Gelling pack and a Brush.

What Does It Do – The Hanacure All In One Facial Mask
The Hanacure All in One Facial Mask has been designed to fight the most common skin concerns with its innovative skincare technology. Using their patented CO2 Octolift, this mask aims to tighten, brighten, diminish the appearance of wrinkles to give the skin a restored and revitalised appearance.
The Hanacure All In One Facial Mask – Ingredients:
Gelling Solution –
Lifting Serum –
Please note I won’t be going too much into detail on ingredients in this review. It would go on forever otherwise!
My Experience – The Hanacure All In One Facial Mask
I will admit, I decided to be a little bit of a dare devil and take a walk on the wild side and use this mask straight after reading fanserviced-b’s awful ordeal with the same mask. Reason being, I had been wanting to try this mask for ages and the other if I did have a bad reaction, better to get it out of the way, right? Having carefully read Tracy’s review and The Hanacure detailed instructions I finally decided to nervously double cleanse my face and give the infamous Hanacure All In One Facial Mask a go.

When I opened Hanacure’s beautiful packaging, I couldn’t help but admire its luxurious and gorgeously decorated box with each element of the mask encased perfectly. I received the Starter Kit (with one single use mask) from The Hanacure which includes a brush, The Gelling Solution and a Lifting Serum. As per the instructions, I opened the watery looking Lifting Serum (do be careful with this, the aluminium seal can be sharp!), poured the serum into the Gelling Solution and mixed the two components together. Once the two had mixed, the texture of the mask had become thick, bouncy and jelly like. Using the brush that came with the kit I started to apply a thick layer of this mask on my face starting with the cheeks first. I made sure that that I didn’t apply this mask too close around the eye area as I was wary of the Hanacure mask’s intense tightening effect on the skin. Keeping this in mind I also avoided a patch of healing skin near my jaw line as I was wary to not further irritate the area. I left this mask on for the required 30 minutes.
Initially the Hanacure All in One Facial Mask has a really calming and cooling effect on the skin. It is literally like applying a cool jelly on the face and I can imagine this being quite comfortable in the summer. However, as time progresses, there is no doubt that this mask does tighten and slightly ‘pull’ on the skin. The feeling of this tightening was a little bit uncomfortable for me but it wasn’t to the point where I felt the urgency to wash this off. The best way to describe the comfort level would be to compare it to a relative who you haven’t seen for a while pinch your cheeks…for about 20 minutes straight. I found that there were definitely points where I felt the ‘pull’ the most. These points were mainly around my mouth and jawline and my forehead which is to be expected. What I didn’t like about this ‘pull’ was the fact that I kept my mouth shut for most of the 30 minutes, and towards the end found it a little hard to inhale/exhale through my mouth due to the tightening effect. This made breathing a little uncomfortable for me (as you breathe through both your nose and mouth normally) and this is a sensation I generally do not like to feel. I noticed as the mask started to dry up, ‘cracks’ from the mask were starting to show giving the complexion a much more ‘wrinkled’ appearance.
When the 30 minutes was up, having read that this mask was a little hard to wash off, I decided to take a shower and wash the mask off this way. I found that by doing this, the mask came off quite easily and had no issues whatsoever removing it from my face.
The Results:
After having removed the mask and looking back in the mirror, I found that the results that this mask left was definitely a much more brighter, bouncy, firmer and glowing complexion. My skin wasn’t in anyway irritated (not in anyway like Tracy’s!) and in fact, after about half an hour, I noticed that my skin tone was definitely a lot more even in the way it looked and was so smooth in the way it felt. I found that my hormonal spots were not as red or inflamed as they were previous to the mask and in fact, 1-2 days after the mask they had gone down quite a bit and have healed quite quickly (I have not put any spot treatment on these areas in the past few days). In saying that, I did feel a little let down with the initial results of this mask because for some reason (*cough* Drew Barrymore) I expected more life changing, ground breaking instant results due to the hype surrounding this mask. I mean this mask is doing the rounds on all sorts of online media and I truly expected a little more.
However, it has been about 2-3 days since I have applied this mask on now and I have to admit, my skin tone has still remained quite even in tone, the texture of my skin is still smooth and my most notable change in my skin is that the congestion in my cheeks has gone down quite a bit. In terms of pore size, I can’t really comment, as I do not have that many ‘large’ pores to begin with. However, the congestion that I normally get around my nose has most notably been a lot less than normal. As mentioned earlier, the area where I had some hormonal spots have gone down and cleared up quite quickly. Whilst I am not 100% sure, I think these changes in skin texture, health, congestion and tone are most likely due to the Hanacure All in One Facial Mask. These results while not instant, are quite promising.
My Thoughts on The Hanacure All In One Facial Mask
So does the Hanacure All in One Facial Mask live up to its claims? To be honest its a bit of yes and no. I only used one mask and in this one mask, whilst I did get some results, for me these results were not really as dramatic as I thought it would be. Drew Barrymore said “when you take it off you are 10 years younger ” in her review of the mask, so you can’t blame me for expecting a little bit more. Yes my skin is brighter, clearer, even in tone and smoother but as mentioned earlier, I did expect a more “wow” result for a one time use USD$29 mask that has had so much hype surrounding it.
In saying that though, after seeing the potential changes in my skin a few days later and actually reading properly about what this mask promises (not what Drew Barrymore and the folks at Elle, Self and Refinery29 say), I personally think that the big ground breaking results that I expected with the Hanacure All In One Facial Mask happen over time with constant use. It does say on its website afterall (from carefully reading): participants in independent clinical studies conducted by AMA Laboratories were instructed to use the Hanacure All in One Facial once every three days for one month. Here I was thinking that these results were instantaneous, and whilst there is an instant gratification, the big results like the images shown below most likely occur over time.
What about the cost factor? Well I did the calculations and to get the desired results it would be around USD$330 (4 masks in each mask pack) for the one month. There is no question that it is a lot of money to shell out for a treatment mask for many people. Whilst for someone who is in the late 20’s like myself, I think that this mask, whilst good – isn’t worth the price point, I feel that similar results can be achieved with cheaper products. However, someone who has more mature skin and needs that ‘lift’ this mask could potentially work much better for you as the tightening and lifting results may be effective on more mature skins. Before committing however, I would suggest to trial the Starter Pack first and see if you are 1. Okay with the tightening sensation and 2. Happy with the first round of results.
Overall, I liked this mask but I didn’t love it. The reason why I didn’t love it was mainly due to the fact that the tightening of the mask was just a little too uncomfortable for my liking. When I mask I do it to relax and chill out, The Hanacure All in One Facial Mask did not really allow me to chill out due to it tightening sensation. It is important to note that this is in no way the fault of Hanacure (they do warn you), its just my own personal preference.
In terms of results, I thought that this tightening mask did produce some great results for my skin but after all the hype, I think I expected a little bit more. I was a little disappointed that the ‘more’ that I was after would most likely only occur after regular use (realistically twice a week) over a period of a month. However in saying that, I did notice that my skin definitely did look and feel smoother, brighter and clearer after using this mask – just not quite enough.
Repurchase YAY or NAY:

Whilst this item was so kindly gifted to me by the wonderful people at The Hanacure, I honestly do not see myself running out to get this any time soon. Yes, my skin did look brighter, skin less congested and was more even in tone, I just don’t think I enjoyed the experience of this mask all that much. I think that what I have learnt from using The Hanacure All in One Facial is that tightening masks might not be my cup of tea, even if the future results do seem promising. I just don’t enjoy the tightening and pulling feeling on my skin and the entertainment of looking like an old woman just wasn’t that funny or worth it. I also found that the price of these masks are a little bit pricey for constant suggested use for someone at my age which is also a contributing factor as to why I probably won’t be running out the door to get this any time soon.
The Hanacure All In One Facial Mask is found on Amazon website, the Starter Pack containing one mask.
Have you used this All in One Facial Mask by the Hanacure? What were your experiences like? Is this a mask that you would try?